January 29, 2009

Have you applied for Etsy Dallas?

There are only 3 days left to apply for Etsy Dallas. Hurry Hurry! Don't miss out on your chance to cross promote with Dallas's finest artists and crafters.

Check out my original post below for all the details or click here.

January 16, 2009

Apply for Etsy Dallas Today!

Hello potential Etsy Dallas member! Thank you for your interest in joining our team. Please read over the following guidelines. If you meet them, we'd love to have you apply! Applications for 2009 Membership are available January 15 through January 31. That gives you two weeks to submit applications and dues.

The team will begin accepting members once a year - in January/February, with the option to add members throughout the year on an "invitation-only" basis. Membership will be limited to 60 members, give or take a few depending on the "invite-only" clause.

$20 annual dues will be in effect. This will cover the cost of our web site, Flickr page, promo card swaps (you won't have to pay for them yourself anymore!), promotions, marketing, deposits on event locales, etc.


Get access to the Google group where advice, questions, team plans, and general crafty know-how is posted daily.
Get listed on our web site, which receives numerous hits each day. (We've even had to purchase more bandwidth several times due to high traffic volume.)

Be included in blog postings such as Member Spotlights and Category Spotlights.

Get a guaranteed booth space in our team shows, so long as booths are still available once you apply. Members will get first crack at applying to shows before non-members do.

Get a member rate discount to shows. Non-members will have to pay a higher booth fee, but will be welcome to apply and participate in our shows, if space allows.

Your $20 annual due will pay for itself and then some!


1) Have an active Etsy shop with items listed for sale.

2) Sell your own handmade goods, following Etsy's policies.

3) Live within a 30-mile radius of the center of Dallas. To find out if you qualify: go to Google maps, type in your address, and get directions to Dallas, TX, USA.

4) Make an effort to be active in some way - either remotely by participating online via our Google group, blog contributing, etc. and/or actively in our shows and get-togethers.

5) Be juried in to the group. We will be looking at quality and variety of work and past group participation (if applicable).

6) Pay $20 at the time of application in order to be considered for membership. If you are not juried in or miss the deadline, you will be refunded the entire $20.

7) Meet all requirements and submit complete applications. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

8) Meet the deadlines. Sorry, no exceptions!

Fill out all fields, using "N/A" if not applicable. Paste + Copy and email completed application to our Member Email Address. Once you submit the application, send $20 payment to Etsy Dallas Treasury via Paypal. No other form of payment will be accepted.

Name (first and last):


City, State, Zip:

Phone Number:

Primary Email Address (submit only one):

Etsy Shop (link):

Web Site (link):

Blog (link):

What do you create? (2-3 sentences max)

Have you been a member of Etsy Dallas before?

If so, what things did you do to participate in the team? (Google group, crafting circles, team shows, card swaps, promoting the team on your blog, etc.)

How do you see yourself participating in the team in 2009?

Are there any specific volunteer roles you'd like to take? (blog contributing, planning meet-ups, helping out at our shows, etc.)

What do you expect to get out of being a member of Etsy Dallas?

Thank you for your interest in joining Etsy Dallas!

January 8, 2009

The Owls Have Landed

Can I get a hoot hoot? My wooded owl rings have finally made it into my shop. It took me a while to finally finish them up and get 'em in there.

It's been a crazy busy holiday season. After my last craft show in December, I thought it was finally relaxy break time. But, oh no, it was time to fill custom orders, make more necklaces, clean my studio, make daily runs to the post office, help DowdyStudio with his pour in of orders, and on top of all that get ready for the family fun of the holidays. Busy busy busy!!!!

Oh the madness! Well, finally things have slowed down, and I can get back to creating and working on some new things, and most importantly, relaxy time! yah! My mind has been exploding with new ideas, and I can't wait to let them out. So stay tuned and I'll show you what kind of craziness I'm up to.

January 2, 2009

Etsy Dallas is Accepting New Members

Etsy Dallas will soon be opening it's doors to local artists and crafters. Etsy Dallas is a collective of Dallas area artists and crafters who sell their handmade goods on Etsy.com. Each member supports the team in their own way, in return the team supports them and what they do. 

Each Etsy Dallas member gets their shop link on the Etsy Dallas web page, discounts on Etsy Dallas hosted events, an opportunity to meet the best artists in the Dallas area, and tons of fun. 

I've benefitted greatly since I joined this team in 2007.  I've been able to plan events, attend crafting parties, get to know some local artists, and even have gotten some free press and great publicity from this group.  And not to mention, I've made some amazing friends, that I'll keep for a long time.

The application process begins January 15th, so stay tuned to the Etsy Dallas Blog for up to date information on the process.