June 29, 2007

Painting away

Painting number one from tonight is complete. I didn't actually start it tonight, but last week. However, now it's done! Hooray! I just finished putting a base coat on a 3x5 foot canvas. This one's going to take a while. I'll post it when I finish. If I do.

June 26, 2007

I'm excited!

Yay! I'm doing another craft fair! This one will be bigger and better. I've been working my tushie off creating new art for this one. I'm so excited!!! If you live in the Dallas area I'd love to see you there!

June 25, 2007

I love the beach!

I just got back from the most beautiful beach wedding. No, not mine, it was my friend's. It was so gorgeous and perfect. The sand was pure white and the ocean was crystal clear and the bride didn't run away. What more could you ask for? I wish them the best.

I can't help it, they're so cute

I know you really want to see pics of my kittens. I know I do. Look how cute furry wurry kitty little bitty head dumplings they are.

top: Lulu, she's always on a little adventure
bottom: Leon, my purry snuggle buddy

June 13, 2007

New Bling

So I decided to finally list some new things in my Etsy shop. Here's a little birdy necklace that I love. I'm going to miss him, but I'll just have to make more, yay! So stop by and give him a little love.

June 12, 2007

Sweet bag from Cut Out and Collect

I got this beautiful bag over the weekend from the lovely Cheyne at Cut Out and Collect. She was hanging out in the sweltering heat outside a great vintage shop, Alter Ego, in Denton, TX, selling her bags in their 2nd Hand Sunday Yard Sale. She's a talented artist who is also super duper nice. Check out her bags at www.cutoutandcollect.com, you'll fall in love with them.

June 11, 2007

Things I made Last night

Who is that little cutie peeking out from behind that grass? Oh, that's my newest creation and a purry kitten too. I told myself I would have a break from crafting after my craft show, but an idea weaseled its way inside my head. I thought, how cool would it be to make embroideries on wood! This thought wouldn't leave me, so I HAD to do something. And I did. And it was great! But really, tonight I'm not making anything. I promise. I think.......I'll try. I'm just going to relax and enjoy myself.

From the Craft Fair!

So, Saturday I participated in Dallas' Second Saturday at South Side event. This is my booth all set up and looking sexy. I had a lot of fun, met some really cool people and even sold some stuff. I really like this whole craft fair thing and I see myself doing many many more in the future.

June 6, 2007

Here's some more goods I've been crafting away at. I'm so addicted to making art, that I can't stop. I don't wanna stop! I don't have a problem.....although if you ask my friends, they might tell you differently. But what do they know? If he tried it he'd be just as addicted as I am.

These three are going to become necklace pendants. And I'm going to make many many more! So fun! I wore the owl pendant (below) for a day and it got awesome reviews. I wasn't even trying to promote it. I just thought it matched my shirt. So that's great! More fuel for the fire! Woo hoo!

Working for the weekend!

Yes, I'm working my booty off trying to get ready for my first ever craft fair this weekend. I've made a bazillion necklaces, some prints, and I'm rounding up all my paintings to bring with me. The fun part is figuring out how I'm going to display all my work. I found a few of these metalwork leaves that stand about a foot and a half high to display my necklaces. I love them. They go with my modern feminine style and they're so cute. I can't wait to set up all my goodies at the fair! i promise I'll bring back some pics to share with you.

June 2, 2007

Yay! An Owl!

Happy Birthday for Me

Yes, sadly i'm one year older and not much wiser. I was showered in sweet cakes, brownies, candies, and cupcakes for my birthday. Much yummy goodness! I think I've eaten enough sugar in the past few days to kill a 5 year old. Well, I'm out of my sugar coma now, but I'm still dealing with the side effects. Let's just say I hope someone is bringing me bigger size pants for my birthday, Ughf!

Above are my sweets that my coworkers brought me. I thought they were really funny and cute so i'm sharing them with you. Please refrain from licking the screen....well actually, go ahead, it's your screen. :) Maybe it will taste better than mine.

PS: we decided the little cupcakes had Martian teddy bears drawn on them. We don't know why, but they sure were fun to eat.