Yay! First craft show for me!
I invite everyone in the Dallas area to come to the Second Saturday Craft Fair Saturday June 9th. I'll be sharing a booth with a friend of mine and I'm sure there will be tons of amazing arts and crafts to see and buy. I'm bringing tons of necklaces, prints and original art to sell off. I'm really excited, and I can't wait to meet lots of exciting people. Hope to see you there.
May 31, 2007
May 29, 2007
Featured on Less Than Three Designs
Allison over at Less Than Three Designs was kind enough to feature me on her blog today. Read the full interview here and check out her Etsy shop too. It's full of cute cards, buttons and more!
May 28, 2007
The Craft fair frenzy!
Sneak Peek
It's raining again today. I thought this painting was appropriate for today's weather. However, if it was raining yellow, purple, blue gray and white I'd be so delighted, or should I be scared that it's a sign of global warming? hmmm. Oh well, the painting makes me happy. The rain doesn't. Bad rain, it's a holiday! .....and it's raining. boooo hooooo.
May 26, 2007
It's embarrassing to be my friend
One of my good friends is getting married this summer, and tonight is her bachelorette party!! So I decided I'd make her something extra specially sexy for her big night out. I was going to go with a naked man, but quickly decided not to after I put her Hubby To Be's head on the body. That might have been a little awkward......no, a lot awkward. (icky chills running through my body just thinking about that) Anyways, I'm forcing her to wear the earrings and necklace to make a fool out of herself.....I mean to get attention from everyone on her special night. heehee.
*just a shout out to my hot model, myself, woo woo! you look sexy lady! shake that thing.
May 22, 2007
Can it get any cuter?
May 18, 2007
Almost Kinda Sorta There
Friday Night Fun
So I'm having a face contest. I've been trying to decide which look is better for me. Your votes count.....um. Nah! I'm just having fun on a Friday night, taking a good old break from painting.
This week has been crazy. I haven't had anytime to paint or make anything, so tonight is a treat to myself. I'm painting up a storm! So watch out for a Hurricane Pamela with speeds up to 70 brush strokes per minute and loud music blasting into your house. Ahhhh...cover your children and plants and pets! My best advice is to run run run!!!
May 13, 2007
May 12, 2007
May 8, 2007
And then....
I think my latest two necklaces turned out pretty good. I'm excited to see if they get any action in my store. They're so much fun to make, I almost don't really care if they sell (wait....yes I do).
Mr. Pants
So i've been tagged! Three times! Bellacolle, Didigaldecor, and Helen at Pepperina press! So here we go.....
* Write 7 random facts/habits about yourself on your blog
1. I love my little kitty, Johnny! His full name is Johnny Poo Poo Pants, but you can call him Johnny Bear, Mr. Pants, or Johnny Cat. I prefer Mr. Pants. He's a cutie sweetheart that sometimes bites. Actually, he always bites, but he gives you fair warning my purring and licking you first.
2. I'm single, in the sense that I'm not married. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost six years and we plan to live happily ever after. :)
3. I'm addicted to seafood. Shrimp, salmon, scallops, muscles, clams, oysters, tuna, lobster, etc. I'll eat any and all of it until my pants don't fit.
4. Today, green is my favorite color. It changes often, but I'm in a spring timey mood today.
5. I hate when you go into a public restroom with a million open stalls and the next person to come in sits right beside you. Ahhhhh!
6. When I was in 2nd grade, my teachers had me draw a picture of the school building. They said it was the most beautiful one they ever seen, and I was so talented, and so on...
The school decided they would make a field day shirt out of it for all the students to wear. Then they asked me to sign it, so I nervously wrote my name on it in permanent marker and went back to class. When the shirts were printed and everyone had one, I realized that I put a backwards capital P at the beginning of my name. The parents laughed at it and joked that I was so creative and talented that I was making up my own alphabet. That was the worst day of 2nd grade.
7. Hmmm.....number seven. This better be a good one. My favorite beer: Dos Exquis. My fav mixed drink: Filthy martini, no vermouth.
* Write 7 random facts/habits about yourself on your blog
1. I love my little kitty, Johnny! His full name is Johnny Poo Poo Pants, but you can call him Johnny Bear, Mr. Pants, or Johnny Cat. I prefer Mr. Pants. He's a cutie sweetheart that sometimes bites. Actually, he always bites, but he gives you fair warning my purring and licking you first.
2. I'm single, in the sense that I'm not married. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost six years and we plan to live happily ever after. :)
3. I'm addicted to seafood. Shrimp, salmon, scallops, muscles, clams, oysters, tuna, lobster, etc. I'll eat any and all of it until my pants don't fit.
4. Today, green is my favorite color. It changes often, but I'm in a spring timey mood today.
5. I hate when you go into a public restroom with a million open stalls and the next person to come in sits right beside you. Ahhhhh!
6. When I was in 2nd grade, my teachers had me draw a picture of the school building. They said it was the most beautiful one they ever seen, and I was so talented, and so on...
The school decided they would make a field day shirt out of it for all the students to wear. Then they asked me to sign it, so I nervously wrote my name on it in permanent marker and went back to class. When the shirts were printed and everyone had one, I realized that I put a backwards capital P at the beginning of my name. The parents laughed at it and joked that I was so creative and talented that I was making up my own alphabet. That was the worst day of 2nd grade.
7. Hmmm.....number seven. This better be a good one. My favorite beer: Dos Exquis. My fav mixed drink: Filthy martini, no vermouth.
May 6, 2007
More MOre MORe!
The view outside my window
May 4, 2007
Business cards for me!
Here's a peek at me new business cards. I designed and printed them myself. They're on the back on my mess up prints of my paintings. I figured I'd recycle since the paper is expensive and I didn't want to just throw it away. It makes it kinda interesting. You get a business card on one side and a piece of an art print on the other. Fun!
So it's Friday and that means the weekend has officially started! Cheers to all celebrating Cinco de Mayo tomorrow! I will have to find a sombrero or poncho to wear out tomorrow. Or maybe not. I'll just stick to drinking Mexican Beer. Have a happy and safe weekend!!!
May 3, 2007
Finally finished some necklaces!!!
Wooo Hoooo! I'm so excited. I've been working like a sweat factory the past two weeks to get these necklaces perfect. I think they're done for now, but I'm sure I'll be making little tweaks and changes soon enough. You will be able to find them on Etsy in my shop for now. I just listed the one on the far left tonight. I called it Green Leafy Pendant Necklace. I think I'll take a break for now and watch last night's episode of LOST. I can't believe I missed it. A huge storm knocked out our power last night just at the same time LOST came on. I was sad, but we played Clue and told ghost stories in the dark instead. I had a good time.
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